How To Call Landline Using TM or Globe?

If you want to contact a landline using TM or Globe, simply dial “0”, followed by the Area Code, PTE Code, and the 7-digit Landline Number. Globe Telecom or TM has wide coverage with its network, offering various facilities to its users in the form of internet packages, calls to landline numbers, and SIM card services. Globe also provides different formats and promo codes to facilitate landline calls.

If you want to buy these promos, download the GlobeOne app, where you can access the Online Shop and Globe Store. You can make in app purchases and follow the provided guidelines to access premium features.

How to Call a Landline Nationwide Using TM and Globe

Follow these step by step instructions to call a landline nationwide using Globe:

call landline using tm and Globe
  • Step 1: Open your mobile and tap on the phone’s dialer.
  • Step 2: Enter 0 + Area Code + PTE Code + 7-Digit Landline Number.
  • Step 3: Click on the “Call” option and start calling your contact, whether personal or business.

Area Codes and PTE Codes

  • Area Codes: Area Codes identify landline numbers in specific areas. Before calling any landline number, first check its area code, as they vary by location. The area code for Cebu is “32” and for Manila is “2.”
  • PTE Codes: PTE stands for Public Telecommunication Entity. These codes or prefixes identify telecommunication networks and are used before the 7-digit landline number.
PTE CodePublic Telecommunication Entity
3BAYAN Telecommunications
6ABS-CBN Convergence, Inc.
7Globe Telecommunications, Inc. / Innove Communications, Inc.
8Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) / Digital Telecommunications Philippines

Format List For Calling

Globe/TM has different format options for calling a landline:

  • Area Code + 7-Digit Landline Number
  • 2 + 8-Digit Landline Number
  • 0 + Area Code + 7-Digit Landline Number
  • 0 + 2 + 8-Digit Landline Number
  • +63 + Area Code + 7-Digit Landline Number
  • +63 + 2 + 8-Digit Landline Number

Landline Call Promo for Prepaid Users

If you are a prepaid user, there is no facility for promo codes; therefore, every call to a landline will cost PHP 7.50 per minute. This rate can be costly for users making frequent landline calls.

Landline Call Promo for Postpaid Users

Postpaid users enjoy several benefits through promos, allowing unlimited calls to selected landlines or nationwide. Users can subscribe to different promos such as DUO/MYDUO or SUPERDUO/MYSUPERDUO.

Globe/TM Mobile Phone Network Prefixes List

Mobile Area CodeMobile Network
0817Globe Telecom
0937Globe Telecom
0973Globe Telecom
0904Globe Telecom / TM
0905Globe Telecom / TM
0906Globe Telecom / TM
0915Islacom / Globe Telecom / TM
0916Globe Telecom / TM
0917Globe Telecom / TM
0926Globe Telecom / TM
0927Globe Telecom / TM
0935Globe Telecom / TM
0936Globe Telecom / TM
0945Globe Telecom / TM
0953Globe Telecom / TM
0954Globe Telecom / TM
0955Globe Telecom / TM
0956Globe Telecom / TM
0963Globe Telecom / TM
0964Globe Telecom / TM
0965Globe Telecom / TM
0966Globe Telecom / TM
0967Globe Telecom / TM
0975Globe Telecom / TM
0976Globe Telecom / TM
0977Globe Telecom / TM
0978Globe Telecom / TM
0979Globe Telecom / TM
0994Globe Telecom / TM
0995Globe Telecom / TM
0997Globe Telecom / TM


What is the rate for calling a landline using Globe/TM?

The rate for calling a landline is PHP 7.50 per minute. This is the minimum rate, and it may vary. If you want to call a landline, it can be costly. It’s better to have a good promo or package that includes some landline minutes.

Can I call a landline free of charge using TM?

Unfortunately, it’s not free. You have to pay charges for landline calls from your mobile.

Users can also borrow TM load, while alternative options include promos like EasySURF, Go50, and Surf4All for TM users.

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